聚焦美聯儲議息會議| 2022年5月美聯儲FOMC議息會議都討論了什麼?

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作者:智堡Wisburg 原創作者




– 50個基點的加息以及3個月加速至950億/月規模的縮表塵埃落定。

– 市場一度被鮑威爾對通脹的嚴厲修辭嚇一跳(“attentive”、“much too high”),但隨後鮑威爾消除了市場的顧慮,明確表示委員會未考慮75bp幅度的加息。

– 市場藉由對75bp加息的否定而舞動起了鴿派大旗,不能再“鷹”構成了風險資產最重要的信心提振來源。

– 資產價格表現上,風險資產在聲明公佈後小幅下跌,發布會時因鮑叔的通脹措辭而進一步下跌(幾乎就是much too high蹦出來的瞬間),隨後在鮑叔證偽75bp加息後快速上漲。

– 鮑威爾補充了未來我們觀察聯儲走向的數據基準——職位空缺率以及失業率(貝弗里奇曲線的變化)。本週五的非農數據將是我們觀察鮑叔判斷的新進數據。

– 對於衰退,鮑威爾表現出了對經濟軟著陸的極大自信,認為當前看不到經濟衰退。

– 目前我們處於一個奇妙的“甜蜜點”,鷹派預期已經隨著加息縮表的塵埃落定而消亡,而市場擔心的衰退敘事仍未實質性展開。









Although overall economic activity edged down in the first quarter, household spending and business fixed investment remained strong. Job gains have been robust in recent months, and the unemployment rate has declined substantially. Inflation remains elevated, reflecting supply and demand imbalances related to the pandemic, higher energy prices, and broader price pressures.


The invasion of Ukraine by Russia is causing tremendous human and economic hardship. The implications for the US economy are highly uncertain. The invasion and related events are creating additional upward pressure on inflation and are likely to weigh on economic activity. In addition, COVID-related lockdowns in China are likely to exacerbate supply chain disruptions. The Committee is highly attentive to inflation risks.


The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. With appropriate firming in the stance of monetary policy, the Committee expects inflation to return to its 2 percent objective and the labor market to remain strong. In support of these goals, the Committee decided to raise the target range for the federal funds rate to 3/4 to 1 percent and anticipates that ongoing increases in the target range will be appropriate. In addition, the Committee decided to begin reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities on June 1, as described in the Plans for Reducing the Size of the Federal Reserve’s Balance Sheet that were issued in conjunction with this statement.


In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee’s goals. The Committee’s assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on public health, labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments.













#1 有關通脹問題,鮑威爾兩次提及“much too high”,聲明中新出現的“attentive”亦重申了通脹的嚴重性,風險資產在鮑威爾蹦出“much too high”以後嚇得不輕,應聲下行。

The labor market is extremely tight, and inflation is much too high.

Inflation is much too high, and we understand the hardship it is causing.



#2 有關75bp加息,鮑威爾消除了市場的顧慮,明確表示委員會未考慮75bp幅度的加息,這也是發布會對風險資產最重要的信心提振來源。市場藉由75bp的否定而舞動起了鴿派大旗。

There is a broad sense on the committee that additional 50 basis point increases should be on the table at the next couple of meetings.

75 basis point increase is not something the committee is actively considering.



#3 有關美國經濟的供需問題,鮑威爾的表述一以貫之,明確表態聯儲無力影響供應端,聯儲將俄烏事件和中國的風控視為自己無力控制的外部因素,而因此只能著眼於“需求”。

Our tools don’t work on supply shocks, our tools work on demand……there is a job to do on demand.


#4 聯儲是怎樣考慮目前的供需平衡問題的?鮑威爾給出了一個明確的指標和理論框架,即職位空缺率及貝弗里奇曲線。鮑威爾認為,未來就業市場的參與率會逐步提升,但是就業人數增長會放緩,進而導致失業率出現小幅向上。新進的勞動力供給以及放緩的經濟(僱傭需求)將逐步降低職位空缺率,進而降低薪資和通脹壓力,使得經濟重新回到一個平衡狀態,達到軟著陸。

I would say that I expect and committee members generally expect that we will get additional participation, so people will be coming back into the labor force, we have seen that particularly among prime age people, and that will of course tend to hold the unemployment rate up a little bit. I would expect though that job creation will slow, job creation has been at more than a half million per month in recent months, very very strong, particularly for this stage of the economy. And so we think with fiscal policy less supportive, monetary policy less supportive we think job creation will slow as well.


……more people coming back in, we like to think that supply and demand will come back into balance, and that therefore, wage inflation will moderate to still high levels of wage increases, but ones that are more consistent with 2 percent inflation.


there is a path by which we would be able to have demand moderate in the labor market, and have therefore vacancies come down without unemployment going up because vacancies are at such a extraordinarily high level, they are 1.9 vacancies for every unemployed person, 11 and a half million vacancies, six million unemployed people.


In principle, it seems as though by moderating demand, we could see vacancies come down, and as a result, they could come down fairly significantly, and I think put supply and demand closer together than they are at least, and that would give us a chance to have lower, to get inflation, wages down, and get inflation down, without having to slow the economy and have a recession, and have unemployment rise materially. There is a path to that.


One is, households and businesses are in strong financial shape, you are looking at excess savings on balance sheets, excess in the sense that they are substantially larger than the prior trend, businesses are in good financial shape. The labor market is very very strong, and so it doesn’t seem to be anywhere close to a downturn.


#5 對於經濟衰退,鮑威爾目前認為概率很低。

And the labor market, if you look at the labor market for people who are out of work and looking, there are lots of job opportunities, for wages are moving up, and at rates that haven’t been seen in a long time. It is a good time to be a worker looking to either change jobs or get a wage increase in your current job. It’s a strong economy. Nothing about it suggests that it’s close to or vulnerable to a recession.

As I said, I think we have a good chance to restore price stability without a recession, without a severe downturn and without materially higher unemployment.



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